Hypnosis and Children

Children Are Often The Best Subjects For Hypnotherapy Children can benefit from hypnotherapy in more ways than you might imagine.

The research and clinical literature on hypnosis with children suggests that they are good hypnotic subjects and typically more easily hypnotisable than an adult. Children generally have very active fantasy lives, which will enable easy access to the imagination, making change work possible.
( they have no problem using their imagination ! )

Hypnotherapy can help to eliminate habits such as:

  • Bed-wetting (enuresis)
  • Nail biting
  • Hair-pulling (trichotillomania)
  • Encopresis (soiling)
  • Stuttering
  • Anger
  • Thumb sucking
  • Sleep-Walking
  • Fears
  • Phobias

Hypnotherapy can help benefit children to improve in areas such as:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Social skill
  • Sports
  • Creativity
  • Self-esteem
  • Confidence
  • Acceptance
  • Memory
  • Test anxiety
  • Concentration

In today’s practice, an overwhelming number of case histories are of adults who seek help understanding childhood memories. It is really amazing how much damage can be done by a well-meaning, but misunderstood remark. Especially when it comes from a trusted source like a parent or a teacher.

Children all have individual personalities, just as adults do. They each respond to comments by authority figures in their own way. For instance, a parent might see a poor report card and try to use reverse psychology to motivate the child. The parent might say something like: “I can’t believe any kid of mine is this dumb. ” If the child has enough self-confidence, it might provoke him into trying harder; but if the child is insecure, a statement like that could make him believe that he really is dumb, or worse, that his father or mother doesn’t love him.

Teenagers can also benefit from hypnotherapy. It can be effective in improving concentration, memory and learning ability. Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool for redirecting energy and negativity. It can also be helpful in dealing with behaviour problems such as peer pressure, anger, delinquency and drug addiction. With teenagers, however, motivation plays a much larger roll. It is essential that they understand and want the change.

Hypnotherapy can help children to understand what was really meant, and prevent the misunderstanding from becoming an emotional scar that would limit their personal growth or performance throughout their life.

Richard is a scout leader with the 8th regiment in Tramore county Waterford. He has also been blessed with 3 beautiful sons. It is clear to him from direct observation why children behave and act in certain ways. Richard employs specific techniques suitable for children to induce hypnosis and also during the subsequent work.

Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

Contact us today to see how we can help.