OCD Treatment – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorders, although it is termed as one, are quite different. An obsession is felt, while a compulsion is acted out. In an obsession the fear is private and inward, in a compulsion the fear (or desire is taboo) is given a symbol that arouses the feeling of fear, in a compulsion the individual creates his / her own symbol. The good news is OCD treatment is available.

OCD affects 1 in 50 adults in the west, and can cause many other problems such as depression, relationship conflicts, and sometimes include an inability to work.

The repetitive compulsion performs a particular act over and over again, must turn on and off a light switch so many times, count money over and over again, repetitive rituals, such as washing hands which they feel become contaminated, as well as other items in the house they believe needs cleaning. There are countless other obsessions including hoarding, fear of harming others. They feel powerless to stop and often have ‘rules’ they must follow, otherwise gross agitation is experienced.

Both the obsessions and the compulsions are substitutes for something desired or imagined that does not harmonise with the personality ego. Children can encounter OCD, that may go away for some time and then re-appear, often during a stressful period. Frequently the OCD changes or what is called symptom substitution, they will start off by avoiding cracks in the sidewalk, then later change it to something different, this behaviour may change several times over the years.

Sufferers are aware that their behaviour can be extremely disruptive and is totally irrational, but they have great difficulty in controlling it.

By using analytical techniques to find the originating root causes, where they are resolved and reframed, also incorporating cognitive behavioural therapy within hypnosis, allows that person to think and feel differently, and provides them with more control.